Cash Sale
Unless otherwise mutually agreed, all transactions are to be Pre-Paid by Customer, prior to goods being despatched. All Invoice costs are ex-Warehouse Brisbane.
The following payment methods are accepted:
- Bank Cheque
Terms - 30 Days EOM
- From 1st July 2011 a Credit Application form must be submitted by all Customers wishing to be a Credit Account Customer
- All Invoice costs are ex-Warehouse Brisbane
- Payment of Niugini Link Statement is due and payable at the end of the month following the end of trade of the previous month ie Transactions invoiced in March are due and payable by the end of April
- Failure to pay within 45 days EOM will result in future supply being suspended until such time as account is brought in line with the above trading terms
- Legal action will be taken if refusal to meet all reasonable payment demands by Niugini Link is not met
Sight Drafts and Letters of Credit may be arranged by negotiation
All goods remain the property of Niugini Link until paid for in full